Our next concert
Thursday, 28.12.2023. at 8 p.m
Holiday concert SWINGING XMAS
Program: National and University Library, Croatian Fraternal Communities 4, Zagreb
Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 8 p.m |
Advent concert VENI, VENI EMMANUELChurch of the Holy Family, Avenija Marina Držića 31, Zagreb |
Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 8 p.m |
Advent concert VENI, VENI, EMMANUELSt. Peter's Church, Vlaška 93, Zagreb |
Sunday, 17.12.2023 at 6 pm |
Concert evenings of the 2023 Music Festival.Program: Academic Choir Ivan Goran Kovačić, Girls' Choir Zvjezdice, Chamber Choir Ivan Filipović will perform Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Vrbanićeva 35, Zagreb |
Thursday, 28.12.2023. at 8 p.m |
Holiday concert SWINGING XMASProgram: National and University Library, Croatian Fraternal Communities 4, Zagreb |

Season 2021/2022
09. 12. 2022. 20:00 |
Christmas Dream - Božićni sanChamber Choir "Ivan Filipović" will present itself to us with its recognizable sound in the performance of compositions of Croatian and world heritage, and some compositions will be premiered in Croatia. |
05. 08. 2021. 21:00 |
VOCES8Guest performance The world-renowned ensemble, organized by KZ Ivan Filipović, performs for the first time in Zagreb Church of St. Križa, Siget, Zagreb (Trg St. Križa 1) |
16.7.2021. 21:00 |
Croatian Music Institute, Zagreb, Evening prayer |
lipanj, 2021. |
Adriatic Queen Choral competition online |